This might be the most asked question in the cannabis world… do you prefer Indica or Sativa? As OG cultivators, the Cannabis Brothers produce more of the pure Indica, or Indica dominant hybrid strains however are definitely venturing off into more Sativa strains, as well as CBD! A little inside scoop for you all. So, make sure to look out for that in the near future. 😉

For those who aren’t technically cannabis savvy but just loves to smoke, lets give you a little education on both.

Indica vs Sativa.jpg

Indica would be considered more of a heavy body high as they like to call it. Some might recognize this to be the “stronger” version out of the two. It provides a more relaxation effect being more convenient as a nighttime use. It helps tremendously with nausea, acute pain, and provides an increase in appetite. It’s hilarious because we’ve heard many say that if all you want to do is lay on the couch, raid the fridge, and have the best sleep of your life, smoke some Indica. LOL

Sativa is classified as a more functional, energetic high. If you’re an avid smoker and have a ton of things that need to get done, you’re going to want to smoke some Sativa. Its more of an active/lively head high. The lighter of the two. Most Indica smokers feel they “don’t get high” when smoking Sativa (haha). When anxiety kicks in, Sativa strains are the perfect solution. Its helps with creativity and productivity making this suitable for daytime use. 

There’s just SO much more we can get into when it comes to these two types of strains, so we’ll be sure to make another post soon in regard to the anatomy portion. Its pretty fascinating to say the least. But in the meantime, which do you prefer? Indica or Sativa? 😊

Joanna Bellinger